This is 40: Top 3 reasons I want to live in Atlanta

September 9

No we are not planning to move, but spending a few days in Atlanta reminded me of why it is at the No. 1 spot on my list of cities to live in.

1. Friends and family

This one could be at least 10 of the top reasons I want to live in Atlanta. We have exactly zero family in San Antonio. It turns out, not many people raise their kids without a single extended family member nearby. But if we were in Atlanta, we would be a short drive from 30+ close friends and family. And the friends and family who aren't in the southeast territory? That's where my second top reason comes in...

2. Non-stop flights to practically anywhere

I know this is a very privileged problem to have, but San Antonio is pitifully lacking in non-stop destinations. If we were in Atlanta, it wouldn't take an entire day of baby shlepping to get anywhere. Hop on Marta, hop on a plane, get where you're going, have fun!

3. Weather I can comprehend

There are trees and shade. At sundown the temperature drops so you get an opportunity to forget how brutally uncomfortable a humid 90 degrees is. Know what's worse than a few hours a day at a humid 90 degrees? A soul scorching 12 hours of 95+ degrees every day, in a place with no breeze, shade, or rain. I've lived in San Antonio 8 years, and I still don't understand why humans ever settled there.

It's going to get really confusing in a few days when I post "10 things I love about my neighborhood." I do love many many things about San Antonio, just not the geography or climate. Science!


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