Day 5 of social isolation; Day 3 of no contact outside of household

Which day am I counting from? Day 5 since the world changed (for us) or Day 3 since our last possible exposure to the virus? Once we get into double-digit days it won't make much difference, will it.

I thought I would use this blog for something, just a quick list of what's going on with us.

1. I'm ordering a dough hook so we can make bread. We have a subscription to ATK's Young Chef's Club (not sponsored). When I signed up a few months ago, I thought it would be a good way to extend Lizzie's feeding and sensory therapy. Now...

2. Lizzie's therapy is suspended until this virus passes. She has come so far in the last 6 months with preschool and extra therapy. She will keep growing. I just wish...

3. She could be with her friends, teachers, and therapists. She asks about them every day. At least...

4. Mamie was able to Zoom with her teacher and class yesterday. I know her school is going to develop the best remote learning set up we could ask for. And Mamie will be ready for anything, even if that means starting fresh with first grade in the fall. A friend reminded me this is just like an early summer for the kids...

5. But by actual summer? What will that be like? Best case scenario, we will be able to road trip again, from here to Alabama to Massachusetts and back again. Best case scenario, by the end of June this will have passed.

6. By next week, I hope I can work again. I have three assignments right now, but I've been unable to concentrate this week. Generous editors understand, but I miss my work. I hope next week I can figure out what I have to contribute in this very weird time.

7. Nick is great. We are very lucky his employer is stable and supportive of remote work. We are very lucky our home set-up gives him what he needs to get work done and still have meals and daily activities with us.

8. I know some parents are cleaving to a schedule and some are letting things go. Any response to suddenly being stuck at home with your kids is a valid one. I had a few days of panic and paralysis, and then I created a schedule. This is loosely what we are doing with our days:

7 am -- breakfast and whatever
8 am -- art
9 am -- go outside for a walk
10 am -- project (from a subscription box or our stockpile of activities)
11 am -- lunch and whatever
12 pm -- Lesson 1 (right now we are using Scholastic's Learning at Home some such)
1 pm -- go outside
2 pm -- yoga (Cosmic Kids on Amazon Prime)
3 pm -- Lesson 2
4 pm -- cook
5 pm -- chores
6 pm -- dinner
7 pm -- bath and bedtime

9. There is a lot of "whatever" in this plan, plenty of screen time, and...

10. I forgot to add that at 1:42 pm every day, Lizzie has a very contrary reaction to everything I do. She wants a ponytail, but doesn't want me to touch her hair. She wants the Kindle, but no she wants the iPad. She wants to no no no no no, so I usually take 5 minutes to myself. That's what I'm going to do now.


  1. More of this please. I want to be able to keep up with my favorite little family.


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