A girl at 2

Mamie's favorite things at 2:

  • Coloring/stickering
  • Building with blocks and sorting things
  • Reading
  • Playing outside
  • Carrying her animal friends around by the arm/neck/flipper

My favorite things about Mamie at 2:

  • She's becoming more person-ish
  • The way she throws her arms up and says "Yeah!" when she's excited or "Tada!" when she's proud
  • Her appreciation for music and dancing
  • Her independence
  • How easily she smiles
  • She's fearless

The frustrations of mothering this 2-year-old

  • She's fearless
  • Keeping her hair tamed
  • Keeping shoes on her feet
  • Meals that end with food on the floor (97%)

The joys of mothering this 2-year-old

  • Hugs and kisses on demand
  • A stack of books to be repaired because she reads them so hard and carries them with her everywhere
  • I always get at least a day to think I've figured it all out before she changes again
  • She represents infinite potential, and I will take credit for all of it


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