Busting stereotypes: What a runner looks like

This is the face an old lady made when I ran past her today.
She was watering her lawn as I approached, pushing Mamie in the jogging stroller. Mamie attracts 90 percent of attention from onlookers when we are out, so the lady’s face started out in a sweet smile cast down on my gorgeous little baby.  Then she looked up at me and made the face I recreated here.
That face was my Redbull — it gave me wings! I smiled — I laughed — and I ran faster so she could see me kicking it from behind.
No, I don’t know what she was thinking, but I wish/hope/want to pretend she was thinking, “How is this muy gorda running in front of my eyes?!” 
I run three times a week now, and I pass approximately five people on the sidewalk each time. I always smile and say “Hi.” Countless cars pass, but I have no way to know if they notice me. If I’m running on the treadmill at the gym, at least 20 people get a chance to see me booking it and smiling as I go.
I’m really proud I have so many opportunities each week to change preconceptions about what runners look like and what fat people do.

And now that I know that lady waters her lawn at 9 a.m.? I’m going to swing by as often as I can.


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