Believing in third chances: How I'm finally going to get my home office organized and ready for work

On March 30, I declared my determination to finally get my office unpacked and organized.  Two months later, this is what it looks like:


So, really, what is it going to take to make some progress here?  I had to think about what is blocking the process.

  1. Entry to the room is literally blocked by bags of baby clothes and newborn things that need to be stored in the attic.
  2. Cluttered workspaces bloc all the sewing and writing I want to do in there.
  3. Feeling overwhelmed by the clutter is blocking me from getting any of it under control.  I can work for 15 minutes here and there, but it hasn't amounted to anything that gives me a sense of accomplishment or freedom.
Today, just to get myself to spend 15 minutes in there, I started brainstorming the essential elements of what needs to be done.

Inspiration -- I'm going old school and making a vision board.  I think if I just had a visual reminder of what I want this room to be, I will be motivated to push forward.

Discard -- Getting the garbage and unwanted junk out of the room will make it easier to breathe, easier to see how the things I keep can fit together.

Clean -- In it's ignored condition, the room has collected a lot of dust and cat hair.  Cleaning as I go will create a brighter and fresher environment to work in.

Sort -- In order for my tools and supplies to be useful, they need to be sorted in a way that makes them easy to find and access.

Store -- Finally, I have a huge closet in this room to shelve all those supplies and tools.  Once they are neatly up and away, the room will be open for me to work in!

Reward -- If I can get all the above done, I will reward myself with some curtains, art, a new chair to make it a happy place to work.  I also envision a cozy artspace for Mamie to work in with me.

I'm planning to push all this miscellany to the perimeter of the room and plow through it clockwise.  Woo I actually just got excited!

I think this is the third time I've declared I will once and for all do it. I have to keep trying because I believe eventually it will happen.


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