No-Hassle??? Part 3

(Day 2 confirms it -- all I can do in 15 minutes is start a load of laundry and unload and load the dishwasher. These are things that have to be done every day and don't get faster the more you do them. If I live to be 70, I will spend another solid 133 days on this 15-minute task.)

Did you know I'm a gold medalist at Olympic Husband Steering? Like when you enter Target and he attempts to veer toward the wrong aisle? Subtle pressure on his arm can wordlessly steer him where you need to go. Also, hand-holding in public may seem super sweet, but it's also an effective method of Husband Steering.

I mention this because No-Hassle House Cleaning has inspired me to attempt a sort of mental husband steering! (This might be more effective if it were actually covert, but he may read this and rebel against my efforts.) Spence (<-- she has a blog!!!) writes, "A positive attitude is contagious." I think there's also something about how nagging doesn't work. So I'm going to keep cleaning and be all, "OH IT'S SO NICE HOW X AND Y ARE SO CLEAN! I THINK I WANT TO CLEAN SOME MORE BECAUSE IT'S SO FUN!!!!" Then Nick will be all, "HEY SWEETIE, CAN I HELP YOU???? IS THE TOILET AS CLEAN AS YOU LIKE IT? BECAUSE I WILL CLEAN IT AGAIN FOR YOU!!!"

Today's victory: it is easier to clean the kitchen sink/counter/floor when you just did it the previous day!

Advice I won't follow again: wash your dishcloth in the dishwasher so it's clean the next day. No, it's not. Every piece of gunk on your dishes will stick to the dish rag and you'll have to wash it again.

I am really enjoying this book, and looking forward to reading the author's blog. I see she posted about cleaning a clogged shower head which is a chronic problem in our house.
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  1. BTW it doesn't work... Matt hates helping me clean and I really do find joy in it !! Haha

  2. Really enjoying reading these life experiments!


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