By the Book: No-Hassle House Cleaning

(Bookstores are choking with books that claim they will change your life! And I'm a real sucker for them. Every time I'm stumped by a problem, I think "Is there a book about this?" Starting with the assumption that any instruction/self-help/advice book is only as effective as the reader's intention to make it work, I started this project. This is the first in a series of "By the Book" posts in which I read a book, follow its advice, and let you know how it works out.)

Today, out of growing anxiety that I'm not a good enough housekeeper, I picked up No-Hassle House Cleaning by Christina Spence. The first challenge, it seems, is to admit I'm "a happy slob and proud of it." I'm guessing a proud, happy slob would not worry the Borders cashier is judging her for needing a book to clean the house.

I was happy to discover in the first few pages that I'm already doing some things right! From Spence's list of ways to make cleaning fun:

  1. Music
  2. Use a timer -- 15 minutes at a time is my personal limit.
  3. Have a cleaning kit -- I love my little cleaning caddy; it makes me feel like a real merry maid.
The next step is to keep reading and clean something... tomorrow. For now, I have an assignment due for my academic library class.
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  1. Pack a good book or two for the plane rides to Florida!


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