Diet update

A steamed tail-on shrimpImage via Wikipedia

This weekend, Nick and I accomplished a feat I would never before have imagined: we ate no junk food. Come on, everyone knows that weekends are meant for ice cream, cheeseburgers, and hot wings and forgetting all the good diet deeds you did the previous week. That's certainly the way we usually treat them. But as I wrote last week, I'm working on lowering my triglycerides, eliminating all animal products except fish. And this weekend has been a feast of seafood.

Friday night we went out for Thai food, where I had some yummy shrimp thing. Then last night, Nick made a giant seafood paella, with shrimp, calamari, monkfish and mussels. Tonight I'm making salmon.

Besides the distinct lack of any other meat, cheese or eggs, we are also avoiding processed carbs and sugar. Yeah, seriously. None of those yummy things in the last 4 days. But this is not torture when you have hummus and avocados, olives and asparagus.

26 more days to go... don't count me out yet!
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  1. 1. mmmm... paella makes up for any junk food!
    2. good point about prefering things like hummus. there are great alternatives if we just choose them. alternatives that satisfy us. Of course Mission to Marzipan's 24-hour availability at the Walgreens down the block doesnt help me choose right!


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