Pump Me Up!

A complete weight training workout can be perf...Image via Wikipedia

I visit my endocrinologist every three months. I got through all the labs (I have one vein that's gone pro from all the sticking), have my vitals updated and talk with the Doc about adjusting my wellness program.

I almost always approach these visits with great shame because I haven't lost weight (except that one awesome time I had lost weight!) This morning I almost skipped it, so frustrated with thinking I've done all the right things and have no results to show for it. Let this serve as a reminder that no matter how discouraged I get, my doctor always sets me back in the right frame of mind.

Today I unloaded on him about how I want to be an athlete! but this body is trying to kill me and it won't respond to anything. wah wah wah desperation HELP!!!!

But like a miracle, he always has another trick up his sleeve. Or a few tricks.

  • Weight training -- he wants me building muscle up to 5 days a week. Hells yeah! I love weight training! I thought I was supposed to only worry about cardio. Well, Ni

    The Holistic Approach of Alternative Medicine ...Image via Wikipedia

    ck and I are going to shop for one of those super weight benches with all the attachments and stuff. I love to be strong!
  • Adjust my insulin-sensitizing medication -- I've been on a low dose because of side-effects, but I'm going to try a time-release version and double my dose.
  • Go back to the nutritionist -- I haven't see one in about a year. I should be doing this regularly just to stay on track.
  • Finally, he thinks I should get a smart phone to track my calories. That might be a stretch, but I like the idea!!

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  1. Are you taking metformin? What dosage are you on? I see my doctor tomorrow..I'm hoping she'll be as encouraging as yours is! :)

  2. I take 1000mg of metformin. i'll start the extended release and build up to 2000. i've been on 2000 before and was just sick with stomach aches all the time! this time i'll put up with it if i have to.

    i can't wait to hear how your visit goes!


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