Feeling strong!
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- I have had no fits of raging-moody hunger, and these were daily occurances before.
- I had no trouble avoiding a buffet of lasagna, bread and sweets at work yesterday.
- Juice is so sweet it almost gags me and I have to dilute it with water.
- I have had no temptation for dessert, a daily craving before. No bread/carb cravings either.
- Less need for snacks throughout the day.
- When Nick and I went out for a celebration dinner last night, I did eat several pieces of bread. It was the first time all week I felt so full my pants were busting. (I don't regret it though! That was good stuff. And I'm allowing that one special meal each week. But I might find I don't even want the bread at my special meal.)
- I'm excited about trying all manner of dried beans! We regularly eat red, black, lentil and black-eyed peas, but I want to try some less familiar ones. Picked up Christmas lima beans yesterday.
- Nick just got me a new digital weight/body fat/water scale for Valentine's Day! I hugged him in the middle of the store for thinking of exactly what I wanted. With how screwy my hormones are, I am never sure how much water affects things.
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ReplyDeleteI don't know what to say. I'm so excited for you!
it seems like this might be exactly what you needed. I'm really glad it's making you feel better.
ReplyDeleteI know I need to work on cutting refined sugars and carbs down, if not out... but, apparently, I need to work on my cholesterol more.
Anyway... keep us posted on your progress :)