
CSA 2 (145/366)Image by 427 via FlickrI may have mentioned we joined a CSA (community supported agriculture) this month. Let me just explain what that means. There is an organic vegetable farm about an hour from here. Instead of selling their crops to a grocery store, they sell shares to regular people like me. You buy your share and for 12 weeks (the winter/spring growing season) you get a box of vegetables every week.

I love this setup for so many reasons. It's local, organic, personal, healthy, random. I'm ecstatic that we finally are doing this after talking about it for a long time.

I got an email today about working on the farm too! Spend an afternoon there and you get a voucher for free vegetables in the next growing season. Even without the voucher, I love the idea of getting our hands dirty and taking part in our food production.

My secret(public) dream is one day my family will be doing this on our farm in Alabama! It's not up to me in any fashion, but I dream of being to take my kids to work on the farm in the summer time. Even if we're not doing it in Atmore, I suppose we'll be doing it at whatever CSA we happen to belong to.
Cover of Cover via Amazon
Not about CSAs, but my favorite Locavore book is Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver. Read it!
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