Sacred Day

A new sticker book. She put the little girl on the stairs herself, I assume because it's one of her favorite places to play. Mamie and I preserve one day a week as our Sacred Day. I don't write anything on the calendar -- n places to be, no people to see. We stay in our pajamas all day, unless we feel like playing outside or going out for coffee. Today is definitely a PJ day because I don't go out when the temperature is under 40 degrees. I realize it's a privilege for me to have a free day, but it always ends up being one of my most productive all week. By 3 p.m. I had done almost everything on my to-do list for today, and Mamie is well into the third hour of her nap. Things I have done: read yoga write play Things I have not done: laundry dishes put on shoes Unless slippers count as shoes? Honestly, they must because I wore them to the store the other day. (Drive-thru only! I have some dignity!)