It's a good day for a blog post

First the good news: my diabetes has gotten even better in the last three months, despite the stress and compromised activity of pre- and post- neck surgery! I'm even going off one medicine.

The weird news is the reason I ended up at the doctor this morning. I have been swelling up like a balloon lately and last night discovered I had gained 10 pounds in a week! Every part of me is puffed up, including my sad face. You know there's something wrong, right? I went to my endocrinologist this morning, certain my kidneys are failing and it's time to fare thee well, cruel world! The nurse practitioner was a little more practical and sleuthed that it was probably one of the medications I've been taking for my neck! You know, the one that causes peripheral edema and weight gain? Yeah, the one I just started taking more of last week!
So we're going to back off on that one because my neck pain is pretty much gone anyway. I was just taking it for the associated nerve pain in my fingers, which should continue to improve as those nerves heal.

I started physical therapy today, and that has me a little jacked up, but it will get better. I also finished a job application and finished a quilt I have been working on for over a year. In the picture to the right, you can see my lap while I sewed those last few stitches. I hope it's clear why it took me so long to finish.
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