It's happening. I mean it this time.

I'm going to unpack and organize my office. We moved into this house two years ago, but my office is still full of boxes and in complete chaos. don't believe me? Suspect I'm prone to exaggeration? WRONG. Photo evidence: At first I used pregnancy as an excuse. Then I used Mamie as an excuse. Now I'm out of excuses. I'm a working writer, and I need a functional workspace. (I'm writing this on the couch, but every few words I get interrupted by a toddler climbing into my lap.) In my "new" office, there will be a table just for Mamie's art projects and other work! Besides that, Mom and Dad finished baby proofing upstairs for me last week, so she has plenty of safe places to play while I work. So what's the plan? I'm starting with 15 minutes a day. That's what I commit to, 15 minutes per day for the whole month of April. I expect to see big results in 30 days, but no single day should be too overwhelming.