Adventures in Library School

Transom at UNTImage by ¡Viva la Cynthia! via Flickr

A bit of background: this summer I started my first semester toward a master's in library information science from the University of North Texas. The two classes I'm taking -- Intro to Information Professions and Intro to Information Organization -- start with several days of lecture, and the rest of the semester is totally online.

So I left for Denton (near Dallas) last Wednesday. I really had no idea what to expect, but I took a stack of magazines and books a foot high because I'd be reading a lot, right? Nope, didn't crack a single one. For five days, I was in lectures from 8 to 5. Then I was back at

Runners participating in the 2004 US Marine Co...Image via Wikipedia

the hotel trying to grasp the Everest of assignments I'm expected to do in the next month and a half.

It was like we were all dumped at the start line of a marathon, expected to sprint to the end and then, btw, you can train for all this after we're done. I spent first 10 miles going, omgwtf???? Why did they ever accept me to this program I will never keep up!!!! Maybe I was smart 10 years ago at Auburn but here I am only old and dumb!!!!!! But I broke through the wall on day three and hit that familiar space where the class material and assignments were just blurs as I sped past them. I GOT it.

Now I'm back home in the real world where my calendar is covered with due dates and I have a few hundred pages of readings to get through everyday. But it's all fun!! How did I go 10 years before going back to graduate school???? This is my favorite thing in the world!
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